What a week! When I was a Brownie back in Midland, Texas, we use to sing this song:
Make new friends,
But keep keep the old.
One is silver
And the other's gold.
Harper would have made the members of Troupe 388 proud as her Christmas week was filled with friends both new and old. We were waiting for Harper to get her 4 month shots before she could meet her younger relatives. Well the shots came just in time for the holidays and we've been a social butterfly ever since!

We kicked off last weekend with a visit from my Dad, step-mother Julia and Harper's two uncles, Parke and Nathan. Harp's was smitten with her uncles and I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that they were closer to her size then most of the people she's use to. We celebrated an early Christmas with the Swallows and Harper is loving her new Exersaucer they gave her.
Tuesday afternoon we had a Christmas get-together with the Clark '98-'99 girls, their babies and the grandmothers. Its still amazing to me how so many of us have kids that are so close in age! I love that Harper will grow up with friends whose moms were some of my best friends from high school - both San Antonio friends and friends who live out of town.
Then, Tuesday night we started off the Boswell Christmas Extravaganza with chili and tamales at our house. Harper was so excited to finally meet her cousins Will, Sam, Lily and Audrey, as well as her Aunt Bos. Lily has been sending Harper notes and drawings since before she was even born and I have a feeling she'll be one of Harper's future babysitters.
Harper had PT on Wednesday and since she was in her holiday festive wear and since we were at the hospital, we swung by the NICU to say hello to a few special friends. It was so good to see Harper's primary team and show them all of Harper's progress. They are such a huge part of why she's doing so well! We were just sad we missed Dr. Kenton who was off for the holidays. We even stopped by the day that Santa and the elves were making there rounds so Harps got in a little extra QT with the big guy.
That afternoon, Jared's brother James (aka Uncle LJ) arrived to spend the Christmas holidays with us. Jared and I took LJ to the Spurs game that night so Harper had another sleep over with Honey and Grandy. She's going through a bit of a mommy stage that seems to hit her like a ton of bricks just before she goes to bed. She'll be fine and dandy and then boom! Meltdown city. She had about a 20 minute meltdown for Honey and Grandy and then promptly fell asleep for the night. Something about those meltdowns just make me start to sweat and get all flustered so we are so thankful to my parents for getting through it and giving us an adult night out.
Thursday was Christmas Eve Eve which also happens to be one of my favorite days of the year. You're just on the verge of Christmas, relatives are coming in, the tree is filled with presents and there's something magical in the air. We continued the Boswell Christmas Extravaganza with dinner at Ashley, Bobby, Will, Sam and Lily's house. My step-sister Lynn and Harper's cousins Dylan and Elena came in from Austin and my step-brother David came in with Kim and cousins Hayden and Durham from Berkley. The cousin Christmas present exchange took place and, as you can imagine, wrapping paper was flying. Harper kept us entertained at the end of the night by laughing hysterically at a stuffed bee - if only we could all be so easily entertained!

On Christmas Eve, we were so sad that David's clan all got sick. Nothing's worse than being sick on Christmas and we had been looking forward to spending time with Hayden and Durham. So the rest of the group started the day off with a little Chris Madrid's. If you ever come to visit, there's a strong possibility we'll take you there for a world famous hamburger. They are like having Christmas in your belly! That night we went to the Christmas Eve service and as always, the candle lit Silent Night made both my mom and I cry like babies. Then off to Tom and Bonnie the Great's for dinner. Harper was a superstar during church and even managed to take a nap during the service.
Christmas morning, Jared, Harper, James and I woke up to find Santa had stuffed our stockings full and then opened presents by the tree.
Grammie made Harper a Christmas dress. She looked so festive.
Christmas lunch was suppose to be at Mom and Steve's but with the California crew still not at 100%, we relocated back to Bonnie and Tom's. We were able to squeeze in some family photos before Harper threw up all over her Christmas dress and had to change into her play clothes. We always know there's a short timeframe before the volcano erupts! Mom made a pecan crusted beef tenderloin, mango mousse, bake ahead potatoes, spinach with artichoke hearts and pecan and pumpkin pie - fantastiche! Evelyn has a tradition of giving snow globes to the great-grand children. Harper was fascinated by hers! We finished the afternoon with games and headed home to crash.
Harper got a little fussy on Christmas day and just wasn't quite herself. She fought going to sleep and then proceeded to wake up every hour that night. Finally at 4am, the crying started so Harper ended up sleeping on my chest on the couch. After a full day of being fussy, we headed to the doctor this morning. I was just convinced that we were dealing with our first ear infection. Turns out the ears are clear and the girl is just constipated. You would be too after all that Christmas over indulgence! So tonight, we introduced prunes. Mmmmmm!