Everyday lives of the Meabon Household

Friday, September 14, 2012


Some recent and regular things from the mouth of the Squirrel:

"How ya' doin' babe?" - said often and out of the blue

Question:  "Harper, what did you dream about last night?"
Regular answers in no particular order:  "Butterflys flying through the air."  "Angels flying through the air."  "Jesus."

"Hiya Mommy!"

Question:  "Harper, what do you want to be for Halloween?"
Very definitively:  "Blue T-Rex"
Question:  "And what should Cito be for Halloween?"
Very definitively:  "Acorn"
- So if anyone knows where to find a blue t-rex costume, I'm on the search.  I think we'll opt for something other than an acorn for the boy.

"Oh, I got it."

"Talk Daddy phone"
Question:  "What does he have to say?"
Answer:  "Hi Jared"

Question at any time of the day:  "Harper, what do you want to eat?"
Answer 95% of the time:  "Oatmeal"

"Oh HI Cito!"

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