Everyday lives of the Meabon Household

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

Neighborhood Spookfest on Sunday and Trick or Treating on Halloween Wednesday.  Lots of fun but the Triceratops crashed by 7:15pm so our little dinosaurs were home before they were extinct!
Halloween 2012
On our way to Spookfest
Harps and Field

T-Rex and the Policeman arrive at the party
I'm actually in a picture!
Trick or Treating with H&G

I promise they liked their costumes, even though they don't look like it! 
Memories from Halloween 2012:  
- Harper deciding in August that she wanted to be a blue T-Rex and not changing her mind once
- Harper wanting she and Harris to wear their "crossrooms" constantly since they arrived
- Harris face first in the wagon gnawing on the cooler and neighbors looking at us like "Do you realize you have a baby laying face-first in your wagon?"
- Harris completely passed out on Jared by 7:15pm
- Harper trying to walk in neighbor's houses as we Trick or Treated.  She thought she was arriving at a party at each stop
- Both kids happy and content with their full attire on including hats and gloves
- PERFECT weather despite a really cold week leading up to the festivities

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