Everyday lives of the Meabon Household

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Harris - 9 Months

I've been good to take these pictures on the actual 9th of each month but posting them has been another story.  So a few days late but I'm trying to only document things Cito was doing up until his 9th month and not over the last 10 days because, believe it or not, there have been some significant changes.

This last month can be summed up with two words - ear infections.  It seems like Harris lived at the pediatricians office and was on some form of antibiotics for the entire month.  We have our appointment with the ENT in January and I'm praying for tubes. The good news is that his inhailers are doing their jobs and his breathing has gotten much better.

The raise in ear infections has resulted in a lack of sleep.  We might have had one or two nights of uninterrupted sleep but otherwise, this mama has been up throughout the night and is pooped!  You'd never know it from my happy boy though.  He's still full of smiles.

We're venturing into finger foods much to the dismay of his father.  If Jared had his way, our kids would have their food pureed until they were 30 but the kid's gotta learn how to eat!

My boy is busy, busy, busy.  He is crawling like a maniac and pulling up on anything he can get his hands on.  I must say, he's pretty quick to get his bearings too.  

Cito has found his voice and has this Chewbacca noise that he makes.  It's pretty hysterical.  Most of his babble consists of da-da-da but the ma-ma-mas are starting to slip in there.

And he adores his sister.  They just laugh at each other all day and it totally melts my heart.  

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