Everyday lives of the Meabon Household

Friday, February 15, 2013

Ears, Noses and Throats

OMG, we've been tots MIA because life has been cray-cray!!!  Prepare yourself for some blog dumping again.

The day after Jared and I got back from DR, I took both kids to the ENT doctor.  Harris had basically had ear infections since August and with Harper's snoring and EXTREMELY loud breathing, our pediatrician said we might as well take them both in to get checked out.  Sure enough, Harris was put on the books for tubes the next week.  And we were told Harper was a text book case for tubes and getting her tonsils and adenoids out.  Perfect.

Cito had his procedure on Friday, Janaury 25.  Other than having to be up at the crack of dawn with an infant that was hungry and couldn't eat, his procedure was pretty much a breeze.  We were scheduled for 8am, had to be there by 6am and we were out and home by 9am.  He was pretty grumpy from the anethesia and only wants Jared when he doesn't feel good so they got some extra snuggling in.  We came home, he conked out for a few hours and by the time he woke up from his nap, he was golden!  
Early morning and ready for the tubes
Post-Tubes Snuggle
We had about a week of blissful sleep from him and quickly realized the power of the tubes.  

Harper's was scheduled for Wednesday, February 6 at 1pm.  Sure enough, Harris became crazy sick that Tuesday.  He started running 102 fever which didn't break until the following Saturday.  Not only that but he is pretty pitiful when he's sick and then broke out in a horrible rash.  We had three visits to the pediatrician that week but it was just a virus that had to run it's course so there wasn't much we could do.  Our sleepless nights started with him on Monday.
Not feeling so hot
On Wednesday, Jared, Harper and I headed to the hospital for her surgery   Since she was getting tonsils out, she had to spend the night in the hospital.  She couldn't eat at all that day and was actually great until 1pm when her surgery was scheduled.  Unfortunately, the doctors were running late so she didn't get started until 2:30pm but thank goodness for nurses that noticed she was getting fussy and offered us a lovely drug cocktail to knock her silly.  Um, hysterical and yes I took videos that I might have to show at her rehearsal dinner one day.  
Arriving at the hospital and thinking this whole thing was pretty fun
Off she goes!
Overall, the surgery took about an hour and a half.  She was pretty miserable the rest of that day but slept like a log that night.  I had the pleasure of sleeping on the fold out chair at the hospital but was happy I could be there for my sweet girl.  She woke up Thursday morning starving, polished off ice cream, scrambled eggs and jello for breakfast and we packed up to head up.  
When awake, she kept trying to cover up her IV with her short sleeveed hospital gown
Ready to go home
Harps did great for the first couple of days but then really kind of fell apart just as Harris was starting to feel better.  The doctors told us to expect for her to get worse before she got better so we braced ourselves for an uncomfortable few days.  She was waking up crying about 3-4 times a night.  We also had to keep her out of school for a week and on very minimal activity for 2-3 weeks.  Try explaining that to a two year old.  
A bubble bath makes everything better - shortly after this she said to me "I tinkle in the bubble bath Mommy!"
On Friday after her surgery, Jared had to travel for work.  Harris was still sick and miserable and Harper was feeling like doodoo.  We had also been cooped up in the house for two days so, in an act of desperation, we actually made a trip to the grocery store....at 5:30pm....on a Friday.  Yes, it was that bad.

Don't they look thrilled to be there?
But as of yesterday, everyone seems to have turned a corner.  Harper went back to preschool today and Harris has been great all week.  Harps is still on limited activity but we're able to get out and get some fresh air.  Now we've run into the problem that everyone seems to have forgotten how to sleep around our house.  Harris got use to a 3am feeding when he was sick and Harper got use to having her mommy or daddy come sleep with her and rub her back when she was crying in the middle of the night.  Needless to say, Jared and I are walking around a bit zombie-like these days so I think I see sleep training in our very near future.  Wish us luck!
Out for Frozen Yogurt

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